13 February 2004

I got a message from someone who was interested in poking around InnerSpace today, and spent enough time providing some starter instructions that I figured I’d post them here.

thanks a lot for writing. i’m glad some people are checking this out…

right now the codebase isn’t really meant for public consumption. i do this primarily as a personal exercise, and although there are many parts of it that are very functional, other parts aren’t so refined…

i’ve attached a tarball, which contains some sparse documentation. i don’t know what your level of familiarity is with Python and the Twisted library (http://www.twistedmatrix.com), but some basic concepts from those areas can get you up and running.

First you’ll want to install Twisted if you don’t have it already, and run the setup.py script to install it in your python path.

then you’ll need to do the same with InnerSpace (python setup.py install) which should also build a JAR file of the client for you.

first build the server “TAP” file by running mktap innerspace mktap supports some options, like specifying the port number, and SSL options, but for now it’s probably best to leave them as is.

then run the TAP file with twistd -nf innerspace.tap, which will run it in the foreground (removing the -n option daemonizes the server).

then, run the client with: java -cp build/is-client.jar inner.space.client.Client

i believe the default u/p is phil/phil or wizard/wizard

besides “look”, there aren’t too many “real-world” verbs, as i’m working on the programming interface right now. @verb <verb> on <obj> will let you edit verb code, although i think most of the installed ones are predefined. However, this is functional enough to create new verbs, although the API for verbs is under heavy construction…you can also see the beginnings of the object editor with @edit <obj>

anyways, that’s about as much as i can tell you, for now. i’m not really providing any support for this project yet; it’s open-source for philosophical reasons, but i’m going to be the sole developer until i reach a certain point, and there’s no sense in me writing any serious documentation for it until the API is complete…

anyways, lots of luck! feel free to email me with any questions you might have, i’ll try to help you out whenever possible…
